Saturday 2 January 2016

Prophetic picture of the year 2016 by Dr.D.K. Olukoya

Dr. D.K Olukoya, the General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, has released the prophetic picture of the year 2016 and declared that it will be the year of dominion, favour and divine acceleration for the members.

The prophetic picture of the year:

1, There will be new major revival of the move of God, Outstanding things God will do

2, It shall be a wilderness year for plenty of people to purge things that are not of God in their life

3, It will be a time of purging, testing, rearrangement, realignment and restarting

4, It will be a year where true love will yield dividend and hatred will breed tragedy so dont hate anybody

5, It is a year of very strange events

6, It is a year of massive amount of sudden change and turnaround

7, This year the Almighty God will split the red sea for many of his children and make the Impossible possible

8, It shall be a year of boiling disturbances and strange crashing and failure of warfare facilities to show them that God is the ruler in the kingdom of men

9, It is a year of acidic judgement on those who shed innocent blood no matter what religion they belong to.

10, It will be a year of harsh economic crunch but the children of God will not experience such

11, It will be a year of the of rage spirit of betrayal.

12, It is year that we need serious prayer against senseless massacre

13, It is a year of construction and destruction

14, It is a year of the destruction of blood thirsty and pains

15, It is a year of where we need serious to pray for the so called SUPER POWERS because some of the steps and decisions they have taken has provoke great anger in heaven and heaven is very angry

16, It is a year of unusual and strange water pattern and warfare

17, It is a year of strange signs above

18, keys to catapult people from concerns to congratulations being given to so many people.

19, It is a year of the rage of the spirit of Cain, siblings wars, jealous, insecurities, inferiority complex, senseless competition among siblings

20, It is a year of violently crashing economic

21, It is a year to pray against earthquake

22, It is a year to pray against Tsunami kind of attack that we had some years ago

23, It is a year where plenty of prayers are needed to tackle the rage of eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood (memorise your psalm 91 and make it regular habit of reading it everyday )

24, It is a year of the rage of cursing serpent

25, The deep hole that swalloweth with remnant will be in rage this year 2016

26, It is a year of the snail catch up with the dog

27, It is a year of the rage of opportunity wasters

28, It is a year of divine vengeance but God's people will be preserved

29, It is a year we pray against mysterious crashes and disappearances

30, It is a year where idolatry, there are still so many involved into idolatry. Heaven will give instructions to the waters and it will provoke the rage of the waters against such nations

31, It is a year of divine exchanges from God (lives will be used to replace lives, chairs replace chairs, power and wealth will change hands)

32, It is a year of overturning and overtaking to favour the children of God

33, It is a year where stubborn and long-time enemy of God's children will be in serious problem

34, It is a year where sits that belongs to children of God, sits of marriage, sits of business, sits of career, sits of academics that was stolen shall be recovered.

35, It is a year where the evil gate of the father house of many people shall be forced open to release the captives they have held.

36, It is a year where the slave drivers will become the slaves themselves

37, It is a year where the labours of past years of his children will be compensated for mysteriously

38, It is a year where many roots of stubborn afflictions will dry up and die

39, It is a year where powers that does not want you to lift your head shall be broken to pieces

40, It is a year where many long time battles, long time pursuits, long time afflictions shall come to a close

41, This will be the year of the ROD OF GOD (This will be explained on Power Must Change Hands day)


1, Make sure you start everyday with God. (Bible reading, prayer, meditation, confessions of 91). Never depart your home without prayer

2, Possess a deep love with God

3, Consistently value personal integrity

4, Purse personal and cooperate holiness

5,Have an effective regular prayer life

6, Ensure that godly character through the fruit of the spirit is manifested in your life.

7, Practice genuine humility and gentility

8, Follow the principle of perseverance, Do not give up without a fight

9, Cultivate a habit of being punctual to the house of God(those who come early to the house of God are blessed by the early angel)

10, Be teachable (Be a learner because the day you stopped learning you are dead)

11, Live by faith and not by sight

12, Practise brokenness

13, Be generous and don't be part of those who treat God as a beggar. (The children of the generous will never suffer)

14, Work hard or Hard work

15, Be a good steward of time, be time conscious

16, Have confidence in the Lord like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

17, Practise loyalty

18, Be discipline (discipline your mouth, temperament, appetite and life so that you can move forward)

19, Be self control

20, Practise honesty

21, Whenever anything come before you, always ask question what will Jesus do before taking action

22, Living within your means

23, Be a tither and a giver to God because it will help you so much this year

24, Stop all form of spiritual procrastination

25, Always live with eternity in view(Know that our time here is short and limited but eternity is endless

26, Make the Holy Spirit your senior partner

27, Identify your weaknesses and deal with them

28, Seek and ask God's wisdom in everything you are doing

29, Imbibe the spirit of patience

30, Be quick to apologise when you are wrong so that in this kind of year you will be able to key into the breakthrough power within it

For us in Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, this is a year of DOMINION FAVOUR AND DIVINE ACCELERATION (DFDA), the man of God said.

He said the scriptural foundation for the declaration is found in the following verses:

Psalm 41 vs 11 - Psalms  41:11 By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me.

Psalm 102 vs 13 - Psalms  102:13 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.

Hebrew 1 vs 9 - Hebrews  1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

- Rexinews
- Prayers line

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